Eggless upside down apple cake
Eggless upside down apple cake

Hello everybody, hope you’re having an incredible day today. Today, I’m gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, eggless upside down apple cake. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I am going to make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

This Eggless apple upside down cake is light, soft and taste good. It is one of those eggless cake recipes that I have developed on my own. While developing recipes, especially baking ones, sometimes they are a success and sometimes they are failures. more so when one has to make a cake or bread.

Eggless upside down apple cake is one of the most favored of recent viral foods on earth. It’s simple, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It is enjoyed by millions every day. Eggless upside down apple cake is something that I’ve loved my whole life. They’re fine and they look fantastic.

To get started with this particular recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can cook eggless upside down apple cake using 15 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Eggless upside down apple cake:
  1. Take For Caramel :
  2. Prepare 1/2 cup Sugar
  3. Get 2 tbsp Butter
  4. Take 3 tbsp Water
  5. Get For layering :
  6. Get 3 Apples
  7. Take 3 tbsp Sugar
  8. Take 1/2 tsp Lime juice
  9. Make ready For Batter:
  10. Make ready 1&1/2 cup Maida
  11. Get 2 tsp Baking powder
  12. Take 240 ml Milk
  13. Take 2 tsp Lime juice
  14. Get 1/2 cup Sugar
  15. Prepare 1 Apple puree

Recipe with video & step wise pictures. Eggless apple cake recipe - Soft, moist & delicious apple cake made without eggs. This apple cake is super simple to make & can be baked in a oven, cooker or. Learn how to make an eggless pineapple upside down cake.

Step by Step to make Eggless upside down apple cake:
  1. Peel 3apples, remove seeds and cut into wedges. Add sugar and lime juice, toss it and keep it aside.
  2. In a pan add sugar, butter and water. Heat it in medium flame.
  3. Once it's caramelized,switch it off and pour it in a greased baking pan.
  4. Arrange sliced apples over it.
  5. Add lime juice to milk and mix it well. Milk curdles in 10minutes.
  6. Add sugar, vanilla extract and one apple puree to this curdled milk.
  7. Mix baking powder to maida. Mix well.
  8. Then add this milk mix to maida. Gently fold it.
  9. Pour batter over apple. Bake it for 30minutes at 180degree.
  10. Enjoy yummy, juicy dessert.

An easy eggless cake recipe using condensed milk and canned pineapple. Upside-down cakes get their name by the way they are prepared. Citrus fruits, along with butter and sugar, are placed at the bottom of the baking pan. What goes in this Pineapple Upside-down cake. This eggless pineapple cake has never failed me, as it has always turned out incredibly moist and.

So that is going to wrap it up with this exceptional food eggless upside down apple cake recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I am confident that you can make this at home. There’s gonna be more interesting food at home recipes coming up. Don’t forget to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading, I hope My webpage becomes “the place to be” when it comes to eggless upside down apple cake cooking. Go on get cooking!